Claiming your Bitcoin Gold (BTG) from your Bitcoin (BTC)

  There seems a little confusion on this around the net, so here’s an easy way to do it, after all it’s free money so you might as well, as it currently stands BTG is worth about $130/coin.   Currently there’s only a wallet on an android device for BTG called Coinomi so this is the way I’m going to claim mine, but I don’t have an Android phone, so what do I do?  I use an Android Emulator on my mac. Firstly you need to secure your coins, and separate it from the block that has your BTG.  So we do this by making a new wallet, that has new private keys.  Send the contents of your existing wallet to this wallet address, this will be your new wallet. Now to claim the BTG.  Close your new wallet, open the old one and extract the private keys. For example…Continue reading Claiming your Bitcoin Gold (BTG) from your Bitcoin (BTC)